Friday, November 02, 2007

Day 2: Yay for Friday

I be blog-pimpin. In the event that I run out of nonsense. I see that happening about tuesday. But there's some good stuff out check it!
(My apologies to the authors if I can't get the linky thing right. I'm on it!)


At the top of my link list. Nuff said. I LOVED her recent post about Halloween. And I actually sent her an email that told her that as much as I liked her writing...the fact that in all of her photos her floors are spankin clean, makes me want to lick them. Funny...I didn't hear back.

It's been a busy week. Maybe big news soon! But not yet! I'm not very patient about waiting! Must! Know! Now!

So it's a good thing the girls are in for the weekend. :) Azzchaps! I highly recommend the nudie picture game if you ever find yourself in a bar with a Megatouch monitor. I told you Missouri is fun.

Here's a picture of the goblins in their Halloween costumes. I might add that I MADE the ghost costume (two years ago?) and it came together perfectly (NOT) the first (really...the third) time I put it together with the help of my very handy (thread-eating) sewing machine while humming (cussing a blue streak and crying) the Sound of Music (Monster Ballad CD) soundtrack.

And then I made a 5 course meal right after I ironed the sheets.

Bwaahaahaa! [evil laughter]


Blogger JJ said...

You are top-notch breeder, my friend.

7:51 PM  

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