Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. --Melody Beattie

So true. I'll get to my thanksgiving thoughts in a minute.

I didn't do the the run Saturday morning. Instead, Morgan was with me and she accompanied me on her bike on a quick run Friday night (in her very cute new running tights and my new blinking reflector) and then we went to dinner and stayed up late reading in bed and slept in. Definitely much better than getting up early on a cold, dreary and windy morning. I also reasoned that the $40 I saved can go directly into the High School Musical concert fund that I hear about every 8 seconds. So it appears I can rationalize most anything.

Saturday night the girls' dentist reserved a place called The Magic House here in St. Louis as a patient appreciation night. It's basically a "learning" house where everything is kid oriented and made for exploring. The girls love it...parents tolerate it. One of the few remaining "munchkins" from the original Wizard of Oz movie was there. Mickey Carrell (sp?) ... he was one of the guys who says, "Follow the Yellow Brick Road!" and he still sounds the same! Very interesting...I missed most of what he said but apparently his nieces and nephews are bent on moving him to a nursing home but he's NOT going and he's giving all his money to children's hospital. TMI from the munchkin? Maybe. I also learned that the average child askes 437 questions per day. Kate is such an overacheiver!!!! 6 year-olds ask questions like, "What does oesnmr spell?" And my response the first 200 times is "Those letters don't make a word sweetie, what does dog start with?" At about question number 400 those same letters spell octopus. Trust me.

I also applied for my first passport on Saturday. It costs $97 and a really bad picture to leave the country. I'm headed to Cabo San Lucas Mexico on February 19th. Hoping to pull a Kirstie Alley and show up in a bikini. And I don't have a Jenny Craig endorsement deal to help me.

So Thanksgiving. Time off to give thanks. Celebrated initially as a religious holiday by New England Puritans. Now a largely secular holiday, it's accompanied by the president's proclimation and a parade. And lots and lots of food. The girls and I are headed to WI and I'll be using the 8 hours to contemplate exactly what I am most thankful for. There's alot to keep me busy.

Hug the ones you love and don't forget to say THANKS!



I have always been curious as to whether or not "The Wizard Of Oz" was the origin of the word "munchkin." You've inspired me to look it up.

Ha! I did it. Don't you just love the internet? Here it is: "As a result of the popularity of the 1939 film, The Wizard of Oz, the term "munchkin" has entered the English language as a reference to small children, dwarfs, small bits of fried dough, or anything of diminutive stature."

Mexico - the vacation came through, huh? As Borat says, "Niiiiice!" Enjoy Wisconsin. It's not freezing cold yet.

8:32 AM  
Blogger Gregg said...

"Kate is such an overachiever!!!!"

That line, in that context, made me laugh. out. loud.

7:27 AM  


9:29 PM  

That's it! When words like "threesome" get thrown around, I need to get involved too. And to prove my status as a gentleman, I'll bring my wife as well. Three's GREAT company, but four's a major party!

On an unrelated note, has anyone ever wrecked themself after a prior failure to check themself?

1:28 PM  
Blogger mimikatemom said...

Ok, you hormonally charged people...do I need to moderate? Three's a crowd, I'm done with boys and I'm not changing teams so end of discussion.

2:17 PM  

Guilty as hormonally charged.

2:53 PM  

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